Tiger won ‘Most Promising Started Aussie’ all three days of the UMASC trials in his trialling debut June 2006. With two firsts and a second on sheep, two firsts and a second on cattle and three firsts on ducks over the weekend, he completed his started titles easily with very little exposure to the stock. “Tiger” was also awarded the “Top Herding Dog” award by the Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association from his debut at his first CKC herding trials in 2005. He went onto earn his WTCH with ease covering the rest of his advanced titles that next season.
One of the most stylish dogs I’ve ever had the privilege to work with and train. Tiger came in the litter of eleven of the Panda x Tucker pups as did his brother Robby. He also came at the same time as we lost a family member. My mother who came to stay with us for a while ended up falling in love with Tiger and he lived with my parents for the first 2-3 years of his life. When he came back with Mom for a visit we tried him on sheep for fun and he blew our minds.
As a newbie, he worked 50-60 feet off his stock and responded to a natural balance. I threw him into a CKC herding trial for started and worked at least from the Open Handler’s line just moving my body where I wanted him to be. He won all 5 trials with High in Trial in all. He finished his WTCH in almost one summer without one cattle leg we gained the following year, with little to no cattle exposure. A lovely dog, he did teach me a thing or two about sticky dogs with eye. A quirky dog with an intense love of play and toys.
He has thrown excellent working dogs and produces a great deal like himself. A rare trait in a stud dog. He has produced many WTCH pups and my current Tiger son (Tango) is very much like his father and I am so excited to have almost a second chance to work with this style. His most remarkable trait was his bite. He was content to stand in the pocket even while the cow’s breath moved his hair, and take a bite only when necessary. When he did bite, it proved to be a powerful purposeful grip with impact. I have kept frozen semen from Tiger as well and if I live long enough another Tiger litter should come again.
Tiger earned his ASCA Ch under Maarten Walter, Pat Hastings, Marie Murphy, Karen MacDonald, Rory Friedow, Carol Ann Hartnagle, and Lynn Hamon.